Monday, June 19, 2006

high school reunion

i hate to change the subject from getting screwed over in korea to something new and pretty unremarkable, but i got an email the other day notifying me of my 10 year high school reunion next summer. the thought was initially pretty depressing--just seems like the whole point of those things is so a bunch of a-holes can get together and judge each other. upon further consideration, it seems like an interesting scenario (doesn't negate the depressing quality, however). there is the shallow part of me that wants to see all of my former peers' failures exposed (so and so got fat, so and so's a twice divorced alcoholic) and to finally realize just how insignificant high school is/was in the grand scheme of things. perhaps this speaks more about me than about the people to whom i'm condescending. anyhoo...

brighter note: got a job as a carpenter. i'm terrible at it, but i'd like to think i'm getting better with each passing day. it feels pretty cool to be acquiring an actual skill. i will certainly have a varied resume. here's hoping i don't cut off any digits. knock on wood.


Jamie McGeorge said...

got an email from lucie johannes. remember her? she works for nasa now. i guess that's cool...

Inspector Mchammered of the Lard said...

I didn't go to my High School reunion [25 years after leaving the place - that's too long to even contemplate!], and I was glad in the end. A couple of people started a fight which got well out of hand, one of the guys got stabbed, and the police had to be called. Just like school days, eh?!

My university reunion was a real hoot though - everybody got extremely drunk. Again, just like it used to be!

It's so gratifying to know that people don't change too much over time, don't you think?!

Jamie McGeorge said...

i can't wait to get stabbed at my high school reunion....just like the family reunions, but without the karaoke.