Saturday, July 15, 2006

things and stuff

i guess someone needs to write something new on here. so it will be me! i am getting ready to go to kansas city with the korean epi (english proficiency & internship) group. it should be a grand time. i'm just excited because i remembered to bring some cds with me for the drive. good thing it will be nice and hot when we get to the plaza.

2 weekends ago some of the epi gang came to videology ("indie" rock music videos on a big screen + dancing = happy fun time). it was pretty funny and we danced like idiots. all the hipster kids were wondering where the hell julie and i came from with a posse of asians in tow.


Julie said...

So... "what exactly do you call indie rock or alternative music?" Two words: conga line!

Jamie McGeorge said...

as du hyeon would say "hell yeah!"