Saturday, February 04, 2006

It's like they have a different word for everything...

We are here! It is awesome! So much to just take in. This place is so technologically advanced, yet the neighborhoods look just like they do in the movies--quaint and village-y. And believe it or not, I like the way Koreans drive. There is no road rage here, and you really only hear horns honking if a cab driver is trying to pick you up (or you're the mom with an infant trying to run across the street with your toddler in the middle of traffic, which we saw today...). People are constantly cutting each other off, there isn't really a "right of way" and I haven't felt threatened riding in a cab yet. This all comes from the chick who doesn't drive...go figure... Our hotel really does look like a sin den, like if I was having an affair with my boss or something-dvds of porn are in the lobby right next to Hitch and the freaking muppets. Funny stuff. There is an animal hospital right next to our hotel and we have seen several pet stores--an infant held up a dog sweater to us when we went into one, trying to convince us to buy it. This is all comforting to me in my quest to try to get Huey over here.

Also, Koreans love their variety shows. And beer.
If anyone wants to make an international phone call, here's Jamie's number--we get phones on Monday when we move into our apartments:


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